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Our First Year!

Dr Sam Schneider • March 28, 2021

Goodbye 2020! 

Wow, year one done! It's been a heck of a ride, but truthfully, it actually came and went pretty quickly! Everything we had aspired to create finally came to fruition on February 29, 2020 when we first opened our door to the public. All of the planning, designing, researching and anticipation came to a hush as that door swung open to give Monocle its first breath of fresh air. We didn't know who was going to step foot in our practice, but that's half the fun! From that day, we saw new faces as well as familiar ones, and we are beyond thankful for everyone that has graced Monocle with their presence. However, one month later came Covid-19, and with heavy hearts we were forced to close that very same door which we had worked so hard to open. 

When people mention the obvious - that it was a tricky time to open right before the pandemic, I always say "That's OK, we like a challenge!". Having to close our door made us work even harder in the background (not to mention catching up on paperwork!). Carla and I came to the practice each day, and were watching online lectures in order to keep ourselves sharp for when we we able to open again, and caught our breath for when that moment arrived. Eventually it did, and we were back in the saddle! From there we've done nothing but grow - both in patient number and as new business owners. We were finally able to show clients what proper eyecare entails, and were able to find faces for the amazing eyewear we had so diligently hand selected.

Long story short: we've found our feet. We love Monocle, our clients love Monocle, and most importantly, we love our clients. The North Fremantle community has been beyond welcoming to us, and we are truly humbled to be in our position. We've made genuine friends with those that have walked through our door, regardless of whether they came from down the block or from hours away, and we look forward to making many more friends in the years to come! We've invested in more of the latest equipment to give the best possible eyecare and precision to our clients and we're always on the hunt for even more toys which will allow us to expand our services even further. Lastly, we also gained a new family member, Watson the Swedish Vallhund who greets everyone with a smile and a cuddle! We're definitely making Monocle our very own, and we wouldn't have it any other way:)

Cheers to all that 2021 has to bring!

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